Rani In Action

I was as far as one Prisa guitar heavymetal band. Previously she play more often together with Pest her personel do all that. Now he was a guitarist Stevie DeadSquad accompanying items are also guitar andra and The Backbone. Heavymetal music DeadSquad clear abis.

For the main Prisa in the future I believe what she really can play the guitar so rich. Prisa games guitar guitar that I can put more emphasis hair long and shaggy appearance with tattoos and pierced so minder, self-introspection and finally turn (stop drinking are more zealous exercise).

In this case playing guitar Prisa that appear with my guitar idol Eet Syahranie, was selected as the first guitarist in Indonesia contracted by Jackson Guitars (world renowned guitar manufacturer) to use the product (Jackson Arch Top DKMG). In addition Prisa also been contracted Sheila On 7 to be the additional guitarist. Being a cover various guitar magazines, and even by the portal Gitaris.com she called Miss Gitaris.com

Feminine appearance, there is a claim unless the action stage. I studied harajuku hair, coloured hair, as children rock band that is still young. I fear a skirt, and even to appear on stage. If you wear dress pants always wear underwear.

Most of the musicians for a dozen years in particular metal is often obsessed with the bravery and ferocity mainstream metal music. They seek legitimacy as much as possible that the metal is the flow of blood. New stereotyped prelude to the single guitarist Slash Sweet Child o Mine is just like it's dead proud. I so legitimate child matrix metal ... metal lu stepchild.

For those who are lucky to be talented, but for proud less forced to flee to a variety of metal accessories of them long and shaggy hair, tight pants, drink, sex and the free drugs. Young no longer be a valid reason falling. Prisa new 19 years old but who are well and good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


video yg bgs...

aq seneng cewk bs maen alat music...

krn itu suatu kebanggaan tersendiri yg imana tidak dimiliki oleh cewk laen...
